Sunday, August 25, 2013

To Seek and To Walk the Narrow Way

These days, those of us striving to live on the narrow path, according to the will of God, find that we are living counter to the culture.

We are so far off the beaten path, that the secular world, (even some Christian folks) simply can't understand why we Catholics live as we do. Sometimes, even we Catholics aren't sure why we do it.

This blog is for everyone who needs a little support to walk the narrow way.

Single adults are particularly on my heart, as the Holy Church isn't quite sure what to do with us.  This may be the first time in Church History that so many singles face the challenge of a missed vocation.
Many are called to marriage as a vocation, but because so many others have strayed to the easier, secular path, they are left without a spouse.
Tricky thing, the Sacrament of Marriage calls two people at a time.

I hope married Catholics will participate here as well. We all have something to share, we must learn from one another, and support each other in our walk.

Look for faithful reflections, tips for surviving as a searching single, and hopefully some guest posts on even more topics.

Also, I ask for your help with this blog.  If you have questions about the faith, or how to live your faith in a world that no longer respects religious freedom and the differences that come from that - please ask your questions here. 

I can't promise to have an answer, but I do promise to search for an answer. Even better, we can build a community here to help one another with what we know.

More posts to come!

(status 8/25/2013 - I am writing posts behind the scenes to launch any day now. Because I desire to present proper theology, I know I must reflect and pray before I post so please bear with me for the inaugural post!
In the meantime - what are your thoughts on Pope Francis' call for a Theology of Woman? )

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