Friday, November 1, 2013

Anticipating and Serving Needs

My parish has a tough time organizing Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Altar Servers.
We have set schedules for the weekend Masses, but not for Holy Days of Obligation. (Even for weekend Masses, those assigned fail to show up, or even attempt to find a replacement, but that's another topic.) 

A few weeks ago, at a Sunday, 10:00AM Mass, there were NO altar servers! Zero. Our priest processed down the aisle alone, no crucifix, no candles... I think there was a Lector escorting the Word... but I'll admit I was embarrassed and ashamed that there were no servers, and no one from the assembly sent their sons forward!
I do hope this problem is rare in other parishes.

Tonight, I attended my church's All Saints Day Mass at 6:00PM. Since there had already been an early morning Mass, and another for the school children, there were only about thirty people attending Mass.
When I walked in, I was prepared to do a reading or both if necessary, but I saw that there was someone prepared for that. As soon as I sat down, the choir director came over to ask if I could serve as Eucharistic Minister. My only concern was that I had just come from work, wearing jeans, but service outweighed that concern.

More concern arose though, when the priest processed all alone.  My mind flashed forward to the consecration, visualizing the priest trotting back and forth with the water and wine. I couldn't even imagine how that would work, logistically!

You see, I was raised to always help out whenever there was a need. My parents were a great example. Not just at church, but throughout life.
My dad, at age seventy-five told me that he often found himself as an altar server for funeral Masses back home. Since few kids could get out of school to serve for funerals, Dad would put on his suit, go to the funerals of his peers, and volunteer as an altar server for such farewell Masses.
When he told me, it struck me funny to picture an elderly man in a suit, doing what I considered a kid's form of ministry.

But this evening, that impression changed. I considered going up there myself! Although I'm from the generation in which girls were never servers, I thought I could make a go of it, awkward as it might be.

I looked around and saw a man in his late 20s with his wife, and considered asking him to serve. I looked to my left and saw a boy around 12 or 14, (Hmm, maybe older, considering he was alone - maybe he could drive!) then got up my nerve, walked across the side aisle and asked the boy if he knew how to serve Mass.  He said he did. "Would you please help Father?"

Keep in mind, Mass had already begun! Perhaps I was out of line, but I felt it was important.
The boy went up, put on a cassock and went into service.

I was pleased. This was a small act of mercy on his part.
After Mass, the choir director thanked me for nudging the boy, and told me that normally, that boy's father would nudge him to go up.

Now, I'm going to be a little opinionated here - but maybe this experience will give him the presence of mind to step in to serve without a nudge. As he's getting older, maybe he will learn to see needs, and fill them without a second thought.

Of course, the larger issue is getting the ancillary service of Mass better organized. I guess I'll call Father next week to offer my services and those of Sign Up Genius - and crack the whip!

--This post is not an advertisement for any product. To be perfectly honest, I haven't even tried the product in the above link yet. I just think it might help us to garner some accountability. --